Meanwhile nearly 500 specialized forums on B2B-IT products online Munich, 25 August 2009 18bits, the editorial and independent IT product guide for businesses, its new and extensive forums system has presented today. To each product category of the product leader now there a suitable forum at by manufacturer grouped. So interested as active users of a B2B-IT product with the opportunity to interact with each other to do so, as well as to enter into an informal dialogue with the manufacturer. Complex processes are everytime the editors of 18bits takes on a new product in their IT product guide for companies, behind the scenes. A software developed specifically for this purpose, first, checks what kind it is product and from which manufacturer she originated. Then the program automatically creates a forum for this product category under the appropriate manufacturer, if this does not already exist. Are in this way since the beginning of the beta phase on from more than 540 Meanwhile nearly 500 specialized forums emerged product entries from over 340 manufacturers. While most forums portals on the World-Wide Web structure their forums for topics, the editors of 18bits selects an outline by manufacturer and product category.
An advantage for the visitors is that they not long after a special forum thread must, but inform yourself in a forum dedicated to a just interesting for her product can search and replace, amongst others. “We implement consistently our focus on IT products for companies in the forums”, explains Marco Wagner, editor in Chief of 18bits. “For small to medium-sized manufacturers without their own support forums offers the possibility, free for the contact with prospects and customers to use our infrastructure is here also. This dialogue we welcome and will promote him further in the future”. IT vendors who want to be represented in the product guide and interest in the use of forums infrastructure by 18bits have can for this purpose to the editors at the address contact.