The population of the time if concentrated in entorno of the church and was in the Great Street that if the main building found, such as the Chain, the Sobrado of the Government, the Fiscal Purveyor’s office among others churches that if had established and that they exist until today as Lady of the Presentation and of Ours is the case of the Churches Ours the Mrs. of the Rosary of the Black color. During the years the 1633 1654 City was on the dutch domination and it did not present no urban development counting only on about 30 the 40 constructed houses of adobe and straw. The part of the natalense population with greater purchasing power, liveed in small farms located in return of the city. But in century XX it had the concern in commanding the growth of the city.
It was in this century that appeared of planned form the quarters of Tirol and Petrpolis, and some avenues as it is the case of the Avenue Eighth and Hermes of the Fonseca. The bridge of Igap also was constructed of rational form in order to facilitate the communication enters the two separate parts of the city for the river Potengi. From the decade of 1940, during the period of World War II, that the city of Christmas more presented a sped up growth. However this growth revealed more expressive enters the decades of 1950 the 1960 which had the internal and external factors. Amongst these factors we can cite the implantation of the industry in Brazil, factor that caused to the exit of a great population contingent of the agricultural areas with destination the city the search of better conditions of life. To this respect Gomes (2002, p.291) it complements that in middle of years 50, with the implementation of the industry in the country, the resident population in the field started to decrease gradual, therefore, started to have more people in the urban centers .